Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and waste batteries must be collected and recycled separately from other waste. This prevents them reaching landfill and releasing hazardous substances into soil and water, harming wildlife and human health.

To remind you that old electrical equipment can be recycled, it is now marked with the crossed-out wheeled bin symbol. Please do not throw any electrical equipment (including those marked with this symbol) in your general waste.
Your regular domestic waste service may collect batteries and WEEE directly from your home. Alternatively, you can take items to recycling points in your local area.
We fund the recycling of the products we sell in the UK by participating in the National Distributor Take-back scheme for WEEE and the Environment Agency scheme for batteries. Visit for more information.
In Germany, we are registered for WEEE, battery and packaging recycling with the following registration numbers:
Batt-Reg.-Nr. DE 57867150
VerpackG/LUCID Reg.-Nr. DE 5213309581545
WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 14615103